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cancer surgery clinic

Food and Its Impact on Cancer Care and Cure

Several oncologists have considered food and lifestyle as the prime contributors in fighting the disease of cancer. It is true that eating the right kind of healthy food is very important to stay fit and fine. However, none of the research studies direct a direct impact of food on causing cancer.

Food becomes important during the treatment

There are a lot of reasons for developing cancer. Food alone isn’t a reason, it’s just a reason. However, it wouldn’t be an overstatement to state that diet becomes an important point when it relates to the treatment of cancer.

There isn’t enough evidence on any particular food that needs to be avoided or taken to fight or survive cancer. However, a few cancers especially liver and gastric cancer are caused due to wrong food intake.

One should understand that diet alone cannot cure your cancer struggle. There is very little information on ‘special’ diets proving beneficial for curing cancer. are beneficial. However, a few food items might intervene in your treatment cycle. So, it’s always recommended to consult your cancer doctor for the success of the treatment.

Food is the ultimate source of energy. It is very important to keep your energy levels high and feel better during the ongoing treatment. This is where food comes into play and plays a vital role. Make sure you eat well to lower the fatigue levels, receive fewer side effects; improvise the body’s healing ability, keep a check on body weight and get the best of your treatment.

Intake of energy-generating foods, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals are needed for the body to reconcile the lost energy, keep a check on body weight, improve the body’s assimilation power, and improve immunity. Including food items like- vegetables & fruit, cereals, low-fat milk and milk products, lean meats, eggs, nuts, and pulses along with enough intake of fluids and water is recommended.


Can food really impact cancer?

Diet is simply amongst one of the factors that can cause cancer. Eating the right food is always a helper in fighting the disease but doesn’t have a very high impact. Lifestyle changes like smoking, alcohol intake, sun exposure, obesity, and lack of physical activities can however impact the disease-causing cycle.

Q: Are dairy products responsible for causing cancer?

None of the research studies have shown strong evidence that dairy products cause cancer in humans. However, they do contain some hormones but that is quite minimal as compared to similar hormones created in our own body.

Q: Do cancer patients have to take a different kind of diet?

Even though there isn’t a prescribed diet plan to cure cancer but eating a balanced diet is always good to fight and stay preventive on cancer. Sticking to a balanced diet that contains lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy food items is a good choice.

Q: What foods are considered cancer-causing and cancer-fighting?

Some of the cancer-causing foods as per various research are processed meat, red meat, alcohol, salted fish, sugary drinks or non-diet soda, and fast food or processed food. However, a few cancer-fighting foods are- fruits and vegetables, tomatoes, garlic, citrus fruits, carrots, and all types of whole grains.


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